1.         The e-Contract



1.2Explanation: This chapter contains clauses which can be used to compile a set of clauses for either use in an environment where email is the only form of electronic communication between parties or for use in an ASP environment i.e. one where a project web site is provided by a third party provider.

1.3Selection of the degree of electronic communication|(please select:) …

1.4Non electronic communications|…

1.5Explanation: Building participants from outside the ICT-contract (like public authorities, like suppliers) cannot be forced to provide pure electronic communication. There has to be established a contractual, IT supported “interface” for bringing this outside information inside the circle of the ICT-contract-participants.

1.6Authorization for companies| …

1.7Confirmation of receipt|For evidence purposes …

1.8Fine or incentivisation for missing confirmation|

1.9Time Stamp|..-

1.10Accuracy and limitation of the information content|…

1.11Forwarding of clauses to subcontractors|…

1.12Copyright in designs and drawings and trackings|…