OTT  eContracts

Eduard Ott
Lawyer & Engineer

Want to communicate in your projects using exclusively electronic means, using only emails or the ways your ASP (Application Service Provider) offers?

Don’t want to use registered mail, fax or other paper based communication any more?

This is the solution:

e-contract-clauses enabling pure electronic collaboration between project participants:

  • e-clauses enable emails and other electronic communication to become 100% legally valid
  • e-contracts avoid media breaches in e-communication
  • e-contracts consist of prefabricated legal clauses individually designed for each client
  • e-contracts make intensive use of digital/electronic signature covering all aspects of legal evidence.

As one of a few legal consultants worldwide we can create these contracts, using a special knowlege within the combination of engineering and law.

Picture: Contracts in paperless ICT-environment

Contracts in paperless ICT-environment