Eduard Ott
Lawyer & Engineer


Participation in techno-legal research projects, partially funded by the European Commission:

ToCEE (year 1996 - 1999)
(Budget: ~5 Mio. US $/ €
consuming 41 person-years):


  • of AEC-object-based legal concepts (treating IFCs of the Internationional Alliance for Interoperability)

  • legal model, contractual model, system of approval, integration of the digital signature in an IT- and ICT-environment.
  • eLEGAL (year 2000 - 2003)
    (Budget: ~1.5 Mio. US $/ €)



    • of contracts on ICT use in virtual enterprises
    • of tools for contract negotiation and authoring.

    Draft of contracts and clauses for pure electronic comunication (eContracts) for the building industry and other kinds of project related industry.